Unit C, Clarke Holme Street, Burnley Road East, Waterfoot, Rossendale, BB4 9HP
The ENERGYBODi Sensation- Rossendale's Holistic Health and Wellbeing Studio
We are a dedicated studio for Body, Mind Health and Fitness.
We specialise in Pilates, Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Massage, Holistic Dance - ZENERGi and Meditation.
ENERGYBODi is the understanding that we are energy beings and that we need to look after ourselves with an awareness of 'energy in' and 'energy out' much like bank accounts.
In the Western world we are commonly expending more energy outwards than inwards. It isn't as simple as sleep, eat, work, exercise/play.
ENERGYBODi is about you learning what generates energy that sustains you in ALL your life, so you can relax, sleep better, feel a natural feel good sensation that is centered and calm. It is more than an adrenalin high.
ENERGYBODi is about detail to movement - giving YOU the understanding of why you are doing each movement and the effect it has on your posture, your sport, your movement and YOUR energy efficiency.
Back ache and pain is energy draining. A good posture - strong core with aligned movement is energy efficient and provides more comfort and pleasure in the body.
ENERGYBODi includes breathing techniques and meditation.
ZENERGi is a holistic dance with beautiful lyrical movements set to an eclectic mix of music, with elements of Tai Chi, Yoga, and many Dance Arts with a Zen awareness in life - being in the present moment, in the body. Mindfulness. Understanding of Body, Mind, E-motions. (Energy in Motion) and the energy connection.
ZENERGi leaves you exhilarated and calm, elated and grounded.
Heather has been teaching the concept of 'functional fitness' the new buzz word for 10 years. Functional fitness works on the connection of muscles in a 'chain' i.e. muscles are connected via a Fascia therefore one muscle has an impact on a series of muscle chain or trains through the body.
Isolated muscle training was invented during the Polio epidemic by Physiotherapists. Training muscles in isolation on a gym machine in this isolated way creates imbalance and is ineffective, unless you are doing it for rehab, even then you want to bring full functional movement in as soon as possible.
Spiraling movement as in ZENERGi and whole body movement is what is now highly recommend by sports specialists.
Heather Parsons has trained in many forms of massage including Thai massage and trained by Gerry Pyves 'No Hands' master training - deep therapeutic massage, Reiki Master, Osteo-manipulation, Swimming Coach, Aquafit, Gym Instructor, Aerobics, Nia Dance and Nia Black Belt, Nia 5 Stages of physical human development for spinal development and correction, Zumba, Colour therapy, Pilates, Chi Ball, Aerial Yoga.
The ENERGYBODi Studio is designed to calm and enhance your energy field, with a specialized floor to support your joints. We believe in building friendships, connections and community.
We offer studio open days, get togethers, meals out and trips.
Categories: Spirituality
07972 932117